GPS Coordinates .

Some local GPS co-ordinates to where the big ones are!

Snapper Rock 38 27 080 178 20 79
Tin Man 38 33 080 178 25 505
Tuahine 38 47 402 178 13 620
Turihau 38 39 021 178 11 175
Turihau 2 38 39 080 178 11 676
8 Fathom 38 30 202 178 23 350
8 Fathom 2 38 30 242 178 23 158
Ariel 38 43 644 178 17 733
Ariel 2 38 43 419 178 18 190
Bank Rock 38 50 300 178 10 400
Coopers Bank 38 41 752 178 06 800
Fluke Rock 38 49 460 178 08 440
Fluke 2 38 49 410 178 08 390
Gables 38 36 952 178 26 000
Halls 38 42 438 178 14 532
Kells 38 37 287 178 18 030
Monowai 38 35 842 178 16 180
Morrisons 38 40 861 178 13 875
Penguins Inner 38 40 002 178 21 000
Penguins Outer 38 39 892 178 22 580
Penguins South 38 41 802 178 19 600
Penguins Outer 2 38 39 834 178 22 330
South Rocks 38 47 021 178 20 403
South Rocks North 38 45 714 178 20 907
Tatapouri Channel 38 38 831 178 09 393
Tolaga Reef 38 19 83 178 42 33
Tuahine Rise 38 51 00 178 36 00
Drop Rock 38 49 68 178 17 16
12 Mile Ground 38 22 90 178 29 11
Old Hapuka Ground 38 25 29 178 23 58
Coral N/E Gables 38 33 38 178 35 39
Whareongaonga 1 38 50 07 177 56 20
Whareongaonga 2 38 48 15 177 56 95
Black Rock 38 38 64 178 11 24

Useful Links

Maritime NZ Safer Boating Guide
TZER Charters
Divetatapouri Stingray feeding and local tours available
Discount Fishing Supplies
NZ Sport Fishing
Rec Fish
Recreational Fishing in NZ

Swellmap – Check the wind/swell/chop conditions
Fishgrid – See where fish have been caught around the Gisborne area and the rest of NZ
Emerre & Hathaway Insurances
Harbourview Marine